Kristensson i Skåne AB

+46 70 32 48 128


We support and sponsor following organizations for a better world.

Nattvandrarna (

Night Walkers in Sweden, the National Network, is a non-profit, democratically structured organization for local groups and associations. The purpose of night walking is to provide adult role models, human support, and social security for young people when they are out in the evenings and nights. The presence of night walkers also prevents crimes such as vandalism, violence, and drug abuse.

We are out on Friday and Saturday evenings and nights, as well as during festivals and high-risk weekends. Our volunteers are adults over the age of 25 who serve as good role models for young people. The goal is to be available to set boundaries, create security, and provide support and help when needed. All night walkers wear the easily recognizable yellow jacket when on duty.

Giving People (

Giving People’s target group consists of the 232,000 children in Sweden living in poverty and those families with children who are on the brink of poverty, living on the margins. The organization can identify families that need short-term assistance to get through a difficult situation and prevent what could become permanent poverty. For families living in poverty, Giving People can provide assistance that offers a path out of poverty in the long term.

Giving People works with emergency aid, providing food and other essential supplies. Since its inception in September 2013, the organization has distributed a significant number of food bags, clothes, shoes, and hygiene items to families with children across Sweden.

Giving People works unconditionally, focusing on the children. The organization primarily collaborates with donors, individuals who become part of our network and deliver aid to the families in need.

Giving People’s strength lies in the organization’s short lead times. When a family with children seeks help from Giving People, they receive assistance within a few hours to a few days, depending on the urgency of their situation. Giving People is unique in its ability to deliver aid quickly to families in need. The organization can provide emergency aid in the form of food and other necessities within a few days throughout Sweden, thanks to donors in Giving People’s network and/or gift cards and food vouchers.

Aktiv Skola (

The Aktiv Skola Foundation works with social entrepreneurship. This means that we are not a non-profit organization. We are passionate about the issues we address and want to contribute as much as we can to create a better school system in Sweden. We have enlisted the help of the most knowledgeable people we could find to provide current and relevant materials free of charge to all schools. This is not free for us; everyone who works for the foundation receives salaries and fees.

Our professional approach ensures that we will not fade away by relying on volunteer efforts. It also guarantees that the materials we produce maintain a high and consistent quality. We aim to ensure the organization’s effectiveness in collaboration with the tens of thousands of supporting members we expect to have in a few years.

The notion still exists today that the only morally correct way to help others is either through tax money via the state or through volunteerism, meaning people who are not paid.

We have chosen to focus on the areas of drugs, grooming, health, environment, and bullying. To create a better school, one cannot overlook these areas, which are inevitably linked to the acquisition of knowledge and students’ opportunities for positive development. Unfortunately, these issues often get sidelined due to economic priorities, and therefore we have chosen to offer educational materials free of charge to all schools in Sweden. We have experts in each area and, together with hired specialists and representatives from the Trust Group, we have developed timely, user-friendly, and accessible materials that schools have requested.

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